1. Their are five mismatches that occur when storing objects in relational database:granularity,inheritance,identity,associations and
• databases
• navigation
• data
• files
2. JDBC stands for_____.
• Java DataBase Connection
• Just Do Both Carefully
• Jeremy Does Backflips Consistently
• Java Does Best Connection
3. Which of the following is NOT true about Metamodel?
• All
• javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel
acts as a repository of metamodel objects and provides access to them
• Handle to
javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel can be obtained from either the
javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory or the
javax.persistence.EntityManagervia their getMetamodel method
• The metamodel is a set of objects that
describe a domain model
4. Which of the following correctly describes Hibernate Envers?
• All
• Facilitates querying historical data
• Facilitates auditing of all mappings
defined by the JPA specification
• Facilitates auditing of Hibernate
mappings, which extend JPA, like custom types and collections/maps of
"simple" types (Strings, Integers, etc.)
5. The configuration object class is used to create a(n) ____?
• Rational Database
• SessionFactory
• VariableRepository
• ArrayList
6. Which of the following statements are true about Hibernate catching:
• The first level caching is provided by
the EntityManager
• Hibernate provides 2 levels of caching
• All of these
• The first level caching is limited to a
particular user or request
7. Which is true:
• using org.hibernate.Session;
• import org.hibernate.Session
• import
• using arg.hibernate.Session:
8. If Hibernate does not commit the transaction it can _______.
• rollback
• fallback
• backflip
• zip it up
9. Java is a/an _____ language
• tough
• Object-Oriented
• javascript
• client
10. Which of the following shortcomings are addressed by Hibernate Search?
• The API mismatch
• The structural mismatch
• All
• The duplication mismatch
11. A database _____ data.
• grows
• tabs
• stores
• non-persists
12. What instructs Hibernate how to map the classes to the database?
• A variable
• xpath mapping file
• XML mapping file
• The Declare statement
13. The createhibernate.cfg.xml is a/an ____ configuration file.
14. Java is to the business logic as ____ is to the database
• javascript
• vbscript
• perl
15. Hibernate is a high performance ORM. ORM stands for?
• object relational marker
• object redundant marker
• object relational
• object real maker
16. Which of the following XML elements is true for Hibernate?
• <hibernate-java-java>
• <hibernate-hibernate>
• <hibernate-tabular>
17. SessionFactory is _____.
• delayed
• self-orienting
• thread safe
• lousy
18. Which of the following is TRUE about Hibernate Search?
• All
• Hibernate Search provides synchronous
and asynchronous index updates
• Hibernate Search works well in
non-clustered mode
• Hibernate Search works well in clustered
19. Which is true:
• Session.Cloak()
• Session.Close();
• Session.Cloak
• Session.Close
20. An ORM solution should consist of which of the following functions:
• Specifying mapping metadata
• Specifying queries that refer to classes
and properties of classes
• All of these
• Performing basic CRUD operations on
objects of persistent classes
21. A persistent framework is a(n) ____ service that stores and gets objects into a database.
• modular
• open
• OS
22. Which of the following is correct?
• catch
(HibernateException e)
• catch (OOPException e)
• try (HibernateException e)
• private (HibernateException e)
23. Hibernate takes care of mapping Java to the database using ___?
• xpath
24. The reason for Hibernate is because their is a mismatch or impedance between the object model and the ____?
• revised database
• redundant database
• rational database
• relational database
25. POJO stands for_____.
• Plain Ole Java Object
• Plain Old Java Object
• Plaine Old Java Object
• Plaine Ole Java Object
26. Query objects use ____ to retrieve data from the relational database
• Java
• .Net
• C#
27. A _______ represents a measure of work done in the database.
• transaction
• sproc
• table
28. The Hibernate framework is stored in (a) _____.
• javascript
• browser
29. Databases represent data in a ____ format.
• reformatted
• tabular
• delimited
• delayed
30. Which of the followings might be able to solve N+1 problem?
• add @Fetch annotation and specify a
FetchMode of SUBSELECT
• All of these
• add @Fetch annotation and specify a
FetchMode of JOIN
• use LEFT JOIN FETH clause on the HQL
31. A/an ______ is a primitive data type.
• Integer
• Variable
32. Which of the following is correct?
• import
• using arg.hibernate.SessionFactory:
• import org.hibernate.SessionFactory
• using org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
33. Which of the following is TRUE about @GeneratedValue annotation?
• It is used to specify the identifier
property of the entity bean
• It is used to mark this class as an Entity
• It is used to specify
the primary key generation strategy
• Its is used to specify the table to
persist the data
34. Which of the following property needs to be defined to activate second-level caching?
• transactionManager
• sessionFactory
• cache.provider_class
• hibernate-configuration
35. Hibernate will assume an instance is an unsaved transient instance if:
• All of these
• The identifier property (if it exists)
is null
• The version property (if it exists) is
• You supply an unsaved-value in the
mapping document for the class, and the value of the identifier property
36. The ____ element is used to link data to the database.
• <JAVA>
• <property>
• <XML>
• <HTML>
37. Which of the following is a VALID key component of Hibernate Configuration?
• SessionFactory but NEITHER database
connection NOR class mapping setup
• Class mapping setup but NOT database
• Database connection but NOT class
mapping setup
• Both database connection
and class mapping setup
38. Which of the following property makes hibernate to generate SQL as per the chosen database?
• transaction
• driver_class
• session
• dialect
39. Which of the following are valid Hibernate interceptors?
• Both Session-scoped and
• Session-scoped but NOT
• SessionFactory-scoped
• Session-scoped
40. Which one of the following statement is NOT true about SessionFactory?
• SessionFactory is not lightweight and is
expensive to create
• You can use SessionFactory to create
Session instance
• The SessionFactory caches generated SQL
statements and other mapping meta data that Hibernate uses at runtime
• One SessionFactory can
manage more than one database
41. Which one of the following statements is true about detached instance?
• A persistent instance
will become detached after the session is closed.
• An instance will be detached after it
gets retrieved from the database by the execution of query.
• Hibernate does NOT allow you to
re-associate detached instances with a new persistence manager.
• Changes made to the detached instance
are still guaranteed to synchronize with the database.
42. Which one of the following statements is true about the instance states?
• Transient instants can be made
persistent by calling delete()
• Transient instants are previously
persistent and associated with an unique session
• Persistent instants can be made
transient by calling update()
• Detached instants can be
made persistent by calling saveOrUpdate()
43. Which of the following correctly describes SessionFactory?
• Instances of persistent classes that are
not currently associated with a org.hibernate.Session
• A single-threaded, short-lived object
representing a conversation between the application and the persistent store
• A thread-safe, immutable
cache of compiled mappings for a single database
• Short-lived, single threaded objects
containing persistent state and business function
44. Which of the following elements is used to declare the persistent class in Hibernate configuration file?
• <property>
• <mapping>
• <session-factory>
• <hibernate-configuration>
45. Which of the following provides an interface between application and data stored in the database?
• Transaction
• TransactionFactory
• ConnectionProvider
• Session
46. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about ordering query result?
• You cannot order query
results by more than one properties
• HQL provides an ORDER BY clause for
ordering query result
• The default ordering is ascending
• You can use asc and desc to specify
ascending and descending order
47. Which of the following is NOT a valid value for 'hbm2ddl.auto' property in hibernate configuration?
• validate
• update
• truncate
• create
48. Hibernate offers an implementation of which specification?
49. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about named queries?
• Named queries allow externalizing query
strings to the mapping metadata
• Named queries are precompiled when
session factory is created
• The named query must be
HQL strings. Native SQL is not supported in named query
• The getNamedQuery() method obtains a
query instance of named query
50. Which one of the following statement is NOT true about Hibernate's Query interface?
• You can paging the query result by using
setFirstResult() and setMaxResult() method
• If the query returns
more than result for the uniqueResult() method, the first one will be returned.
• You can use method chaining (methods
return receiving object instead of void) with Query interface
• Both the createQuery() and
createSQLQuery() method of Session interface can return a Query instance
51. Which of the following is NOT true about default flush operation in Hibernate?
• Hibernate flushes by default before some
• Hibernate flushes by default when
session.flush() is executed
• Hibernate NEVER flushes
by default
• Hibernate flushes by default when
commit() is executed
52. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about persistence annotations?
• The @Column annotations
is used to specify the column name of the foreign key
• The @Id annotation indicates the field
is the primary key for the entity
• The @Entity annotation indicates that
the class is mapped to a table in database
• The @Table annotation can be used to
specify mapping database schema name
53. Which of the following is NOT a type of hibernate cache?
• Transaction layer level cache
• Application layer level cache
• First Level Cache
• SQL cache
54. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about comparison operator in HQL?
• The where clause is a logical expression
evaluating to true false or null
• The HQL where clause supports arithmetic
• You can use = NULL to
test whether the value is null
• The "like" operator allows
wildcard(%) searches
55. Which of the following statement is TRUE about sorting in Hibernate?
• A sorted collection is
sorted in-memory using java comparator, while order collection is ordered at
the database level using order by clause
• An order collection is sorted in-memory
using java comparator, while sorted collection is ordered at the database level
using order by clause
• A sorted collection is either sorted
in-memory using java comparator or using order by clause at the database level
• An order collection is either sorted
in-memory using java comparator or using order by clause at the database level
56. Which of the following is the FIRST Hibernate object that is created in any Hibernate application?
• SessionFactory
• Transaction
• Configuration
• Session
57. Which of the following is NOT true about Session and Transaction scope in Hibernate?
• In order to reduce lock contention in
the database, a database transaction has to be as short as possible
• A Session is an inexpensive,
non-threadsafe object that should be used once and then discarded for: a single
request, a conversation or a single unit of work
• Multiple instances of
SessionFactory are created, usually on application startup, from a
Configuration instance
• A SessionFactory is an
expensive-to-create, threadsafe object, intended to be shared by all
application threads
58. Which of the following is used by Hibernate to redirect the logging output to preferred logging frameworks?
• JDK logging
• log4j
• Simple Logging Facade
for Java (SLF4J)
59. Which one of the following statements is true about how Hibernate retrieves an object?
• You cannot retrieve objects using native
SQL queries in Hibernate
• When you're using get() method to
retrieve an object that doesn't exist in the database, Hibernate will throw an
• When you using load() method to retrieve
an object that doesn't exist in the database, Hibernate will return null
• HQL Hibernate Query
Language is a full object oriented query language
60. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about using annotation mapping Entity hierarchies?
• The @Inheritance annotation has a
"strategy" attribute which can be used to define the inheritance
mapping strategy
• The @DiscriminatorColumn is used to
defined the named of the column that is used to differentiate subclasses
• The root class of the hierarchy needs to
be marked by the @Inheritance annotation
• The @DiscriminatorValue
doesn't have default value and must be defined.
61. Which of the following statements is NOT true about mapping one class to multiple tables using annotation?
• entities may be mapped across multiple
tables by making use of the @SecondaryTable annotation
• entities may be mapped across multiple
tables by making use of the @SecondaryTables annotation
• The "table" attribute needs to
be defined in the @Column annotation to specify which table the column belongs
• The
@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn annotation specifies the primary key of the primary
62. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
• The load() method throws an
exception,when the unique id could not found in the database
• The load() method returns proxy by
default and the data base will not be effected until the invocation of the
• The get() method returns null when the
unique id is unavailable in the database.
• The load() method
returns null, when the unique id could not found in the database
63. Object-oriented languages represent data as a ____ of objects
• tabular
• delimited
• array
• graph
64. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about transient state?
• After a persisted instance gets deleted,
it'll become a transient instance
• Transient instance is
always associated with a row in a database
• Objects instantiated using new operator
aren't persisted immediately and their state is transient.
• objects referred by other transient
instances are transient
65. Which of the following is NOT true about First Level Cache?
• Hibernate uses this cache by default
• It loads objects and
make them available to the entire application
• it reduces the number of generated SQL
queries within a given transaction
• It always "associates" with
the Session object
66. Which of the following is not TRUE about StatelessSession interface/implementation in Hibernate Batch?
• A stateless session has no persistence
context associated with it
• Operations performed
using a stateless session cascade to associated instances
• A stateless session does not implement a
first-level cache
• It does not provide many of the
higher-level life cycle semantics
67. Which of the following is NOT true about Second Level Cache?
• It is called 'second-level' because
there is already a cache operating in Hibernate for the duration of an open
• By default it
effectively holds on to the identifiers for an individual query
• It exists as long as the session factory
is alive
• It always "associates" with
the Session Factory object
68. Which one of the following statements is true about joining associations in Hibernate?
• In HQL the LEFT keyword
in LEFT JOIN FETCH is optional
• HQL provides a fetch join in the FROM
clause to lazy load the associated objects
• When using HQL join queries you have to
explicitly specify the join condition using either WHERE or ON clause
• When using outer joins, Hibernate will
always return a list containing distinct items.
69. Which of the following is an INVALID LockMode?
70. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about join strategy (table per subclass)?
• In join strategy every class will have
its state mapped to a different table
• Join strategy is the most efficient way
to store data
• It is more is expensive to query
subclass when using join strategy
• Join strategy is the
most efficient way to insert data
71. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about entity lifecycle events
• The PostLoad callback occurs
after the data for an entity is read from the database and the entity instance
is constructed.
• If the PERSIST cascade option
is set on a relationship of an object that is being persisted and the target
object is also a new object, the PrePersist event is triggered on the
target object.
• When the SQL for
deletion of an entity gets sent to the database, the PostRemove event
will get fired and it indicates success of deletion
• Firing of a PostPersist event
does not indicate that the entity has committed successfully to the database
72. Which of the following correctly describes org.hibernate.cache log category?
• Log both first-level and second-level
cache activity
• Log NEITHER first-level NOR second-level
cache activity
• Log all second-level
cache activity
• Log all first-level cache activity but
NOT second-level cache activity
73. Which one of the following statements is true?
• The load() method can
return a poxy than immediately hitting the database.
• The load() method and get() method of
Session interface are same
• The get() method of Session interface
will throw exception if no row find in the database
• The load() method of Session interface
will return null if no row find in the database
74. Which one of the following statements is true about the following HQL query: select department from Department department join department.employees employee where employee.address.state = 'CA' and department.name='marketing'
• The query returns a List of Object[]
arrays, at index 0 is Department and Index 1 is Employee
• The department objects
returned are lazy loaded.
• The query will return all departments
not matter the department has an employee or not
• The query is using outer join
75. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about many to many relationship mapping?
• mappedBy element must be included for
the bidirectional many to many relationship
• The @JoinColumn and @InverseJoinColumns
are used to defined the column names of the foreign keys in the join table
• The many to may relationship can be both
unidirectional or bidirectional
• The @JoinTable
annotation must be defined on the reverse side of the many to many relation
76. Which one of the following statement is true about the following query: FROM Item AS item WHERE item.description like ? AND item.date > ?
• The query indicates that there is a
table named item and has columns named as "description" and
• The FROM WHERE AND are HQL keywords and
has to be uppercase
• The index of binding parameter start
from 1 instead of 0
• The as keyword is
77. Which of the following correctly describes org.hibernate.SQL log category?
• Log all JDBC parameters
• Log the state of all entities
• Log all SQL DML
statements as they are executed
• Log all SQL DDL statements as they are
78. Which one of the following statements is True about the following query: from Item as I where i.description = :description
• this query is using positional parameter
• The query is using native SQL syntax
• the letter I is alias and the
"as" keyword must be place in front of the alias
• the Item indicates the
name of the entity class and it's case sensitive
79. Which of the following is NOT a valid org.hibernate.ConnectionReleaseMode?
80. Which of the following is not a Session method?
• Session.saveorupdate()
• Session.remove()
• Session.save()
• Session.persist()
81. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about HQL joins?
• Join conditions can be specified
explicitly by using the 'join' keyword
• Path navigation from one
entity is a form of outer join.
• An inner join between two
entities returns the objects from both entity types that satisfy all the join
• Join conditions can be specified
implicitly as a result of path navigation.
82. Which of the following is NOT true about Hibernate OGM (still being developed)?
• It is a persistence engine providing
Java Persistence (JPA) support for NoSQL storage solutions
• It reuses Hibernate Core's object life
cycle management and (de)hydration engine but persists entities into a
key/value store instead of a relational database
• It reuses the Java Persistence Query
Language (JP-QL) as an interface to querying stored data
• It is expected to be
used to interact with all NoSQL solution in all use cases
83. Which of the following statements is true about using cache in Hibernate?
• Caching query will have more impact on
applications that perform many inserts, deletes or updates.
• The query cache cache all the entities
properties returned in the query result set
• The iterate()method of
the Session and Query interfaces is provided to take advantage of second-level
• To enable query cache all it needs is to
invoke setCacheable(true) on the query instance.
84. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about using components in Hibernate?
• Hibernate component is
the lowest level of unit and cannot own other component
• We can declare a component of an entity
by using <component> element
• Hibernate support both unidirectional
and bidirectional composition
• Component is the user defined class that
is persisted to the table of owning entity
85. Which one of the following statements is true about entity type and value type in Hibernate?
• Value type objects
belongs to an entity and is embedded in the table row of owning entity
• An object of value type always has a
primary key value in the database
• An object of Entity type does NOT have its
own database identity
• An Entity type object cannot exist
independently and has to bond to another object
86. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the following HQL query: from Item item join item.bids bid where item.description like '%gc%' and bid.amount > 100
• The bids collection of
each Item will be eagerly loaded.
• The query returns a List of Object[]
• The query assigns the alias
"item" to the class ITEM and alias "bid" to the Bid class
• The query returns all combinations of
associated Bids and Items
87. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about Hibernate's cascading persistence?
• cascade ="delete" tells
Hibernate to navigate the association when performing delete
cascade="save-update" is the default setup in hibernate
• cascade ="none" tells
hibernate to ignore association
• cascade="all-delete-orphan" is
the same as cascade="all" in addition it deletes any persistent
instant when it get dereferenced
88. Which of the following is NOT true about Hibernate Template?
• Since it decouples the
application from the spring framework, it is recommended that HibernateTemplate
is always used for integration
• They perform common setup routines for
you, let you skip the boilerplate and concentrate on the logic you want
• It automatically open and close sessions
and commit or rollback transactions after the code execution
• All Hibernate Template features can be
achieved in an aspect-oriented way using Spring's Declarative Transaction Management
89. Which one of the following statements is true about using annotation to setup Inheritance Models?
• the @Inheritance annotation is used on
the subclass to setup the inheritance mapping strategy
• the name element of @DiscriminatorColumn
annotation specify the name of table
• the @DiscriminatorValue
annotation is used to specify the value in the in the discriminator column in
• The default value of discriminatorType
element in @DiscriminatorColumn is DiscriminatorType.INTEGER
90. Which of the following is NOT a valid caching strategy?
• Write-only
• Nonstrict read/write
• Read-only
• Read/write
91. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about entity lifecycle events?
• UpdateTimestampsCache is a special cache
region that holds timestamps of the most recent updates to each table
• Hibernate allows you to specify a
different named cache region for each query
• The query cache must be enabled using a
Hibernate property setting:hibernate.cache.use_query_cache true
• If the timestamp of the
most recent update made to the queried table is early than the timestamp of the
cached query results, then the cached results are discarded
92. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about embedded objects?
• The @AttributeOverride
annotation defines what type the database uses to save the embeddable field
• User @Emebeddable on a class means it's
fields and properties will be persistable as part of another entity.
• The Embeddable type can be reused on other
• The @Embedded annotation means the
annotated field is embeddable type
93. Which of the following does NOT correctly describe LockMode.NONE?
• If an object is
requested with this lock mode, a WRITE lock will be obtained if it is necessary
to actually read the state from the database
• Objects associated with the session via
a call to update() or saveOrUpdate() also start out in this lock mode
• All objects switch to this lock mode at
the end of a Transaction
• It represents the absence of a lock
94. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about hibernate Session?
• Session is Hibernate's interface for
persistence-related operations such as storing and retrieving objects
• An instance of Session is lightweight
and is inexpensive to create and destroy.
• Hibernate session has nothing to do with
the web-tier HttpSession.
• Hibernate can detect
changes to the objects and make updates to the database automatically even if
changes are made within the same session.
95. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about using annotation to map Compound Primary Key?
• The primary key class must include
equals() and hashCode() method
• The primary key class
must be private, but it's optional to implement Serializable
• The primary key class needs to be marked
with @IdClass annotation
• Mapping compound primary key requires
creating a separate primary key class containing the primary key fields
96. Which of the following is not a VALID hibernate interceptor event?
• SelectEvent
• SaveOrUpdateEvent
• ReplicateEvent
• PersistEvent
97. Which of the following is NOT a valid id generator class?
• sequence
• identity
• primary
• hilo
98. Which one of the following statement is NOT true about many to one relationship mapping?
• The @JoinColumn must be
defined with @OneToMany annotation
• If the relationship is bidirectional
mappedBy attribute must be defined for the @OneToMany annotation
• The @ManyToOne defines a single-valued
association to another entity class that has many-to-one multiplicity.
• The @JoinColumn defines the name of the
foreign column
99. Which of the following statements is True about one to one relationship mapping?
• mappedBy element should be specified in
the @OneToOne annotation in the entity that defines a join column
• One to one mapping can only be
• One to one mapping can only be
• The @JoinColumn
annotation goes on the mapping of the entity that is mapped to the table
containing the foreign key
100. Which one of the following statement is NOT true about single table inheritance strategy?
• There shouldn't be any
columns left unfilled in the single table strategy
• The single table strategy uses one table
to contain all the possible state of a hierarchy
• The single table strategy is the most
performance way in polymorphic queries and write operations.
• Single table strategy will be more
wasteful of database space.
101. If you want to save your modifications at any time without knowing about the state of an session, then which of the following operations will you use:
• Both Merge and Update
• Update
• Neither Merge nor Update
• Merge
102. Which of the following is NOT true about SessionFactory?
• Its initialization process is expensive
as it loads all configurations including database setting, OR settings
configuration file for use in application
• It helps in customized
extraction of data.
• Its a Singleton class
103. Which of the following is NOT a valid CascadeType value?
104. Which of the following is NOT a valid layer in hibernate framework?
• hibernate framework layer
• backhand API layer
• transaction layer
• java application layer
105. Which of the following is NOT true about sharding in Hibernate (Hibernate Shards)?
• Hibernate Shards primarily consists of
shard-aware implementations of many of the Hibernate Core interfaces
• Hibernate Shards can be conceptually
divided into Generalized sharding logic and Application specific sharding logic
• Hibernate Shards can be
conceptually divided into Generalized sharding logic, Application specific
sharding logic and Hibernate Default sharding
• The primary goal of Hibernate Shards is
to enable application developers to query and transact against sharded datasets
using the standard Hibernate Core API
106. Which one of the following statements is true about the following HQL query: select p.number from employee e join e.phones p
• This query is using outer join so it'll
return all the Phone entity instances no matter it is associated with an
Employee or not.
• The query indicates that the
"number" is the name of one of the columns of the Phone table
• This query is missing the joining
condition so it won't work
• Because the
"phones" is a collection association field, the path navigation
couldn't continue
107. Which of the following is NOT a valid hibernate performance tuning strategy?
• Set ReadOnly to "true" on
Queries and Criteria, when objects returned will never be modified
• Set FlushMode to "Never" on
Queries and Criteria, when flushing is not necessary at this point
• Avoid clearing the whole
Session after flushing
• Avoid join duplicates
108. Which of the following statements is NOT true about persistent instance?
• Any change made on the persistent object
will be synchronized with the database after the transaction ends.
• A persistent instance has a primary key
set as its database identifier
• Before session get closed, an object
will becomes persistent after it get saved by the persistence manager's save()
• An object is not
persistent if it's retrieved from the database by the execution of query.
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